Sunday, January 29, 2012

Printing on Burlap

(Click on picture)
This is such an awesome technique that I just had to try it last night and show it to you. Yes you can use your regular inkjet printer to print on Burlap and it didn't hurt my printer a bit. Now I have to admit that I was nervous at first, I mean stick burlap that rough, stringy fabric that ravels as you look at it in my printer and not expect it to be a gummy mess, with the burlap wrapped around everything it touched inside my printer. Yeah right. Well I learned of this on pinterest and if you haven't caught the pinterest bug and you love to craft, like I do, all kinds of crafts, then leave a comment and I'll send you an invitation and your life will never be the same again. Please check out this wonderful blog and read all the comments and you will see tons of people that tried this following Maryannne's directions on domestically-speaking. and you will know why I was brave enough to give this a try. Well I have to tell you it was so easy and worked like a dream that I will be doing this a lot more. The possibilities are endless. I have renewed my love of burlap and will be posting more creations soon.
The basis of this technique is to iron your burlap well and make sure it is as wrinkle free as can be. Then using a dry medium hot iron take a piece of freezer paper, yep freezer paper the kind that is plastic on one side, my was from Reynolds and I got it at the grocery store where they sell all the other wraps, like waxed paper, aluminum foil etc, and put the plastic side down (shiny side down) on the burlap and iron them together. The plastic will stick to the burlap like magic.Make sure that all the edges are ironed down and bonded well. I made sure that my freezer paper was cut to 8.5x11 to fit my printer and that the burlap was maybe a 1/4 inch smaller all the way around. You now have your one piece burlap paper and can print anything on the burlap, words, pictures, graphics etc. I created some subway art at another great website for free, then printed out my finished project, and framed it in a  11x16 frame with a mat opening of 8x10. I love it and I know that my daughter who this was designed for will love it too. I'd love to know what you think.
( disclaimer I will not be responsible for any damage to your printers, if you are worried about it jamming your printer, I would suggest getting an inexpensive printer, maybe even  from a thrift shop, to try this. I will tell you again that my HP printer handled this beautifully)


  1. Incredible! Oh, the posibilities! I'm very impressed with this project and will be looking for a piece of burlap to give it a try.

    This is just soooooo cool! :-)

  2. This was so much fun to see come together, I'm going to try printing on other fabrics, I'm sure that any smooth cotton or linen would work too.

  3. Yay!!! I am so excited about this project becoming a permanent piece of art in our home!! You're the best mama!! Thank you for thinking of us & making this gorgeous art!
