This is for my littlest grandson, who turned 2 on Feb. 28, 2011. My daughter posted this and I wanted to support them by re-posting on my blog. Thank you for anything you can do, walk with us, contribute to JDRF, say a prayer for Brian, Joshua and all those affected with Diabetes.
Did you know Type 1 Diabetes can strike at any age for no reason. Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which a person's own body (white blood cells) attack the insulin producing cells (beta cells) in the Pancreas. Due to the subsequent lack of insulin, the cells are unable to use sugars for fuel. Therefore the body begins to starve and will subsequently breakdown fats and proteins for fuel. The by-product of this breakdown is called "ketones". Ketones can make one very ill and can cause death if not dealt with.
Brian, my husband, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in his late 20's. He did nothing to cause this to happen. His body just started fighting itself. We dealt with it. The highs the lows, the finger pricks and testing. This is just what God wants us to to deal with we decided. But then in 2010 that all changed. In Feb 2010 Joshua was only 11 months old when diabetes almost took his life. We didn't know it but his body had begun to fight against itself. When Joshua went to the hospital we were told he had made it just in time. his body had already begun the "shut down" process and he was in severe DKA. (Diabetic ketoacidosis). They said it was just a matter of a few hours. Joshua's initial BG test was 1240. (his normal range should be between 100-200). After several days in the PICU and then on the Diabetes floor. Joshua came home. he is now a lively 2 year old boy who loves to play and run and bounce. The difference is that Joshua's body is going to forever fight against itself. Joshua receives app. 10 blood checks a day including over night, from his tiny fingers or toes. Everything he eats or drinks must be weighed or calculated and then a shot is given with life saving insulin. Everyday Joshua battles highs and lows which cause him to feel miserable and can lead to deadly consequences.
We are so thankful to live in a country where we can have access to the medicine we need to keep him alive but Insulin, is not a cure. We are lucky that when the time is right for Joshua we can gain access to a pump for his insulin to help reduce the number of shots he gets a day, but again this is not a cure. A cure will mean that he can be free, free to do what every other little boy does and not be worried about running to much or not enough. Free to get an ice cream cone with out the calculations and risks of high or low blood sugars. Free to sleep an entire night with out being woken by a needle prick. Free to know that no other children will experience what he has in his life. Free to say I used to have Type 1 Diabetes. Then and only then will we have a cure.
Here is how you can help:
1) You can join our Family Team known as "Joshua's Rock Stars," which consists of family and friends who donate and/or collect pledges and walk with us in support of Brian and Joshua. Please contact Shannon at or go to to register. We are hoping to have Rock Stars T-shirts for all walkers. Please let me know if you are planning on walking and t-shirt sizes by Monday,September 5, 2011. The WALK is on Saturday October 22, 2011 at the Virginia Beach Ocean Front.
2) You can send our family a tax-deductible contribution made payable to "JDRF" or donate online right HERE. Any amount is OK ...every $5, $10, and $20 helps to fund less laborious treatment regimens and hopefully ... ultimately ... A CURE.
3) You can share this site with family and friends.
WONT you help us. Join our walk team, raise money along side of us. Spend the day with us on 10/22 to help find a CURE for Type 1 diabetes.
With love - Brian and Shannon Davis